Renowned for our expertise in Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems, we are pleased to exhibit our different product technologies certified NPSA, to meet all security needs on all types of sites :
#FenceSecure, high-performance VibeWire piezoelectric sensor cable based on microphonic “listening” providing a very low false alarm rate
#PulseSecure, high-performance electric fence system with “pulsed” electrified perimeter intrusion deterrent and detection system
#HatchSecure, multi sensor hatch detection system with a system designed to be modular in nature.
Both new solutions on ISE:
#MAXIRIS, very high-performance active infrared barrier with high density of cells, zoning function and high reliability of infrared technology
#SOLARIS NG, innovative, solar-powered 100% autonomous infrared barrier.
Looking forward to reconnecting with our community and showcasing the future of security!