An integrated security system is not your everyday fencing solution whose only work is to deter burglars. It is a multilayered system that consolidates multiple security systems to a single solution. In doing so, it saves you money, prevents security breaches, all while boosting your company’s productivity. To enjoy these benefits, however, your integrated systems need to have 3 crucial components for proper intruder detection. Here are the essential elements that you need for a secure business premise.
Video surveillance
Integrated systems are only as good as their surveillance. Getting a perimeter intrusion detection system will only alert you to the location of disturbance, but you also need to view what is happening. Get yourself real-time video surveillance that not only allows you access to physical monitoring but also remote access when you are away. With video surveillance, you can easily monitor areas of entry, such as doors, meaning you get integrated systems that effectively provide intruder detection mechanisms.
Centralised control
The second essential element of successful integrated systems is getting centralised security systems. If you have perimeter RADAR or electrified perimeter fencing, add a centralised software or a single point of contact that allows you to maximise intruder detection. Integrating all your systems will enable you to have better visibility and control of your security systems as well as providing you with better response time. A single interface means your security team no longer has to visit each part of your facility.
Access control
Having proper access control is another way to have effective integrated systems. To get the most out of your integrated security, have alarm systems added in your perimeter intrusion detection system. If, on the other hand, you prefer pulse monitored fencing for your business premise, get proper lock-down mechanisms for your access controls. Proper access controls ensure that your integrated systems are well managed and synchronised on a single platform for increased efficiency.
To get the best integrated systems that guarantee intruder detection and deterrence, get the right installations from perimeter security experts. Contact Harper Chalice today for any consultations and the latest advancements in security systems.